Home / DEPARTMENTS / Laboratory Medicine
Medical Trust Hospital has one of the best clinical laboratories in the state, equipped with the latest facilities and experienced pathologists, handling all routine diagnostic tests to specialized tests. Our lab realizes criticality of laboratory investigations to medical diagnosis and treatment and is committed to bring quality testing for the patient care. We have several sub specialties providing a wide range of laboratory investigations for various diseases spanning across all branches of medicine. These include clinical chemistry, clinical pathology, cytology, hematology, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, immunohematology, microbiology, serology and virology. Each of these specialities are manned by experienced staff who are supervised by a team of consultants.
- Biochemistry
- Fully Automated Dade Dimension RXL and RXL MAX
- Ion Selective Electrolyte Analysers for Estimation of Sodium, Potassium, Lithium & Calcium
- Blood Gas Analyser
- Advanced chemiluminescence based Hormone / Tumour Marker assays.
Provides round the clock services, handles approximately 1500 routine tests and 150 special tests daily with a turn around time of 2 ½ hours. All panic results are intimated immediately to the concerned staff.
This section is equipped with
- Histopathology and Cytology
- Surgical Pathology Unit Handles around 3500 specimens/year catering to all clinical specialties in the hospital- maintains an average turn around time of 5 days.Frozen section facilities for intra operative diagnosis- report issued within 20 mns.
- Renal pathology unit offering full renal diagnostic service- both native and transplant kidney biopsies- reported within 24 hours.
- Immunohistochemistry lab for determination of tumour markers.
- Diagnostic cytology service- both gynaec and non- gynaec cytologies- average turn around time of 2 days.
- Haematology
- Automated 5-part Differential Haematology Analyzer- Beckman Coulter
- Automated 5-part Differential Haematology Analyzer- MEK 7222K
- Automated 3-part Differential Haematology Analyser- ABX micros 60
- Lena ESR analyzer
Handles an average daily through put of 300 samples using
Performs peripheral smear & Bone marrow smear examination with the aid of special stains.
- Microbiology
This section handles about 1500 samples/ month and provides following services:
Staining procedures for bacterial,fungal and mycobacterial studies are performed rountinely and panic results are informed immediately to the concerned staff.
Provides all types of culture studies on blood, various body fluids and exudates. This section is equipped with:
Ø BACT ALERT blood and sterile fluid culture system for early results
Ø Fully automated Siemens Dade Walkaway analyzer for identification of organisms and antimicrobial drug sensitivity
Virological diagnostic tests are performed using automated ELISA analyzer and rapid card tests.
Various serological tests are performed with high accuracy.
The department plays an active role in infection control policies of the hospital.
- Clinical Pathology
For routine analysis of urine, stool, semen and miscellaneous body fluids.