best gastroenterologists in kochi

It’s time to know about Gastroenterology – Medical Trust Hospital

In the previous blog, we had a thorough discussion of the various sports injury. If you haven’t gone through it, please check it out! Click here! This time, we have a different topic. Who among you are familiar with the term gastroenterology? Well, the term might initially deliver confusion. Don’t worry. Here, in this blog, […]

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best physiotherapy centre in Kochi

Things you need to know about Sports Injury

Regardless of the season, sports injuries are considered as one of the all-time occurring health problems. They are caused while practicing some sort of sports or can happen during exercise activity. Sports injuries are generally seen in children and in adults. Let’s check out the problems with sports injuries and how can we effectively cure […]

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best eye hospital in Kochi

Learn how to take care of your eyesight in the right manner

People out there… we’ve something interesting for you. This time we thought of having a read on the importance of eyesight & maintaining it. We all are well aware of the fact that the eyes are one of the most important organs in the human body. Once you give proper care and attention to your […]

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Best Diabetic Treatment in Kochi

Know about diabetes with Medical Trust Hospital

Among the various diseases prevailing in the current generation, Diabetes is one of the common diseases. But how many of you have a clear knowledge of Diabetes. We’ve been hearing this term for a long while. So, what about having a discussion on the same. By the end of this discussion, we will help you […]

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Super Speciality Hospitals in Ernakulam

The Hidden Mystery Behind super speciality hospital

Hey there! Today we have something interesting to discuss. Consider a scenario where you need to visit a hospital. You might be seeing a number of hospitals around you. Among them, you even find various categories like general hospitals, specialty hospitals, super-speciality hospitals. The list goes on. How can you find the hospital according to […]

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best ENT hospitals in Kochi

Reasons why you should go for year-round check-up

Winter season is considered as the season of allergies. It even destroys the happiness in your irrespective of the joyful events. Let’s have a quick rush through the whereabouts of allergies and its causes. Also, we’ll introduce the best ENT hospital in Kochi for all those who search for the trustworthy medical center, that too […]

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Ever thought of a glowing skin that looks like a star?

Well, sounds fascinating right? With Medical Trust it’s possible. Medical Trust is one of the best hospitals in Thrissur having the best dermatologists in Kochi. People from all over India visit us with regards to their skin problems and asking for tips for nurturing their skin. So here are few tips from the best dermatologists […]

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